
Выложены презентации к докладам Питера Ричерсона и Лесли Ньюсон, сделанным в ИОГен РАН на семинаре во вторник 23 августа

Питер Ричерсон "Cultural Evolution: Pleistocene Origins, Holocene Explosion" и Лесли Ньюсон "The cultural evolution of modernity"

Презентация Питера Ричерсона
Cultural Evolution:
Pleistocene Origins, Holocene Explosion

Презентация Лесли Ньюсон
The cultural evolution
of modernity




Во вторник 23 августа 2016

в конференц-зале ИОГен РАН

в 15 часов состоится

доклад профессора Питера Ричерсона, автора известной книги  R Boyd, P Richerson "Culture and the Evolutionary Process" и его коллеги Лесли Ньюсон (Lesley Newson)

Тема доклада:

"Эволюция культуры: от плейстоцена до современности"
'Cultural evolution from Pleistocene to modernity'
Питер Ричерсон и Лесли Ньюсон

Страничка профессора Ричерсона в UCDavis:

Peter J. Richerson
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Department of Environmental Science and Policy
University of California Davis

Профиль в Google Scholar:


Cultural Evolution: Society, Technology, Language and Religion 2013

Not By Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution 2005

The Origin and Evolution of Cultures 2005

R Boyd, P Richerson
Culture and the Evolutionary Process
University of Chicago Press, 1988

Статьи и главы в книгах:

The Darwinian theory of human cultural evolution and gene-culture coevolution. Peter Richerson and Robert Boyd.  Chapter 20 in Evolution Since Darwin: The First 150 Years. M.A. Bell, D.J. Futuyma, W.F. Eanes, and J.S. Levinton, (eds.) Sinauer, pp. 561-588. 2010. http://www.des.ucdavis.edu/faculty/Richerson/Cultural%20EvolutionDarwins150FinalMS%20version.pdf

An argument that the increasing high frequency climate variation in the Pleistocene drove the evolution of human culture capacities:

Rethinking paleoanthropology: A world queerer than we supposed. Peter Richerson and Robert Boyd. In Evolution of Mind, Brain and Culture. Gary Hatfield and Holly Pittman, Editors. Penn Museum International Research Conferences Series, University of Pennsylvania Press. Pp. 263-302. 2013. http://www.des.ucdavis.edu/faculty/Richerson/Climatewasstrange.pdf

Evidence that the social modernization of the past two centuries was a result of the restructuring of social networks so that they included fewer kin and more non-kin:

Why do people become modern? A darwinian mechanism, Lesley Newson and Peter Richerson. Population and Development Review 35: 117-158, 2009. http://www.des.ucdavis.edu/faculty/Richerson/NewsonRichersonWhyModern.pdf

Why did  a more or less steady increase social complexity occur in the Holocene? Why did it not more rapidly reach some sort of equilibrium rather than continue a slow increase Institutional complexity for more than 10,000 years, capped by a burst ofb more rapid change in the last few centuries? The first part of this paper includes and introduction to Boyd's and my basic approach to cultural evolution:

Evolution in the Holocene: The Rise of Complex Societies, Peter Richerson and Robert Boyd. In The Origin of Human Social Institutions, pp. 197-204, 2001, W.G. Runciman, editor. Proceedings of the British Academy 110. http://www.des.ucdavis.edu/faculty/Richerson/evolutioninstitutions.pdf


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